1·Out in the countryside on a long drive, with the air fresh and the sun shining, you just seem to want to drive forever.
2·Tice found that a large proportion of men cool down by going for a drive—a finding that inspired her to drive more defensively.
Tice 发现,很大一部分男性通过开车来降温,这一发现使她开车时更具防御性。
3·The hard drive or flash drive is the cheapest and easiest.
4·They could know what car I drive, where I drive it to, and where I shop.
5·If there is no other genuine option than to drive your car, then people will continue to drive.
6·Striping size refers to the amount of data written to one drive before moving to the next drive within the array.
7·The story-telling practice requires you to believe your customer should drive the software, and I mean really drive it.
告知详情实践需要您坚信,您的顾客将驱动这个软件,我是指 真正地驱动它。
8·I would get up at 3 a.m., drive 78 miles, work eight hours, drive home, work at my real estate business, pick up the kids, put them to bed, and study.
9·There are three things that you can and should do with your requirements: use them to drive design and development, to drive testing, and to drive your planning.
10·Have both users create a mapped drive and use the same letter for that drive, such as m.